Have Passport, Will Travel: December 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oi Love the snow, me!

Morning All!

We woke up this morning to another fresh layer of snow. It is perishing out there. We took Jay and Kenzo out to the rabbitfield. It was beautiful there this morning. The first piccie is Little Cornard blazing in the morning sunlight, blue sky, sharp light, beautiful...
Little Cornard...

Little Cornard...

Hey Jay, whats with all this cold wet stuff???

Jay, why is she wearing a dead ferret on 'er head?

Oi love the snow, me!!!

Snow on me hooter? Where?

I recommend these snowbaths! Good fun and does wonders for the skin!

A good wash in the morning...

Is this how you do it Jay? Is this enough snow?

Mum, for god sake ttake that stupid hat off, you are walking next to me and you are dragging down the style here....

So we had a nice but cold trot around the snow. Kenzo seems to be enjoying her walks. I can't wait when we can start letting her off the lead. It will be a while though as she first has to start listening to her name. Jay loved the snow as per usual. Charging around like a mad man, buldozering his hooter under the snow, rolling in it, just good clean cold fun!




You know when you've been Kenzo'd...

Good afternoon,

After the sadness of losing our little girl Izzy a while ago we have a new arrival...

On friday I returned from a two week trip to Saudi Arabia. After countless internal flights without a hitch or delay I return to the UK and Hoppa! Flight diverted to Heathrow, bags missing, traffic on the M25 blocked because of 1 mm of snow... Welcome to Blighty...

And this was the one day I needed to be back on time. We had to pick up our new greyhound, Kenzo. I had to get there before 2 oclock in the afternoon. With my flight arriving at 6:55 AM no worries, you'd think... Think again, I finally got home around 1 PM. Jumped in the shower, had a cuppa amd went straight out again to Dillymore Kennels. There we met up with Debby who runs the kennels.

We had come to have a look for a new dog 4 weeks ago and we had been shown a very young dog with no name. She was attacked when she was a puppy by her litter mates and because of that she refused to run. So she didn't go to the track and was straight up for rehoming. As she didn't race she didn't have a name and was not registered on the track.

So after a few days of coming up with bizarre names we finally ended up with Kenzo. We picked her up in a snowstorm and took her from the kennels home to our house.

And here she is, the little stunner! Kenzo in all her glory. She is a blue. That is what greyhound types call a grey dog... Strange...

And here we are showing that greyhounds are very adaptable. Within hours of arriving Kenzo was sleeping on the sofa with Jay!

In the evening I was channel hopping on the telly and found "One man and his dog." Kenzo loved it. She stood watching it on the telly, barking at the dogs and the sheep. Then she had a look behind the telly to see where the sheep were going, it was hilarious!!!

Come bye, come bye, a bit left, a bit right!!!

And this is her knackered in her bed in her new house. Sofar it has been great. You can tell that she is a new dog that has never been in a house. She is constantly snuffling around, trying to see what she can steal... She loves the back garden where she can tear around with JayJay. So indeed, it was a few bad months with poor old Izzy's demise but now we are looking forward again. This is the first grey that we have had that has been younger than 5 years. At 18 months she is virtually a puppy and I am sure at some point in time she will drive us mental but sofar so good, things are going very well...

I'll keep you updated...

Alex and Jac.
