Have Passport, Will Travel: Oi Love the snow, me!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oi Love the snow, me!

Morning All!

We woke up this morning to another fresh layer of snow. It is perishing out there. We took Jay and Kenzo out to the rabbitfield. It was beautiful there this morning. The first piccie is Little Cornard blazing in the morning sunlight, blue sky, sharp light, beautiful...
Little Cornard...

Little Cornard...

Hey Jay, whats with all this cold wet stuff???

Jay, why is she wearing a dead ferret on 'er head?

Oi love the snow, me!!!

Snow on me hooter? Where?

I recommend these snowbaths! Good fun and does wonders for the skin!

A good wash in the morning...

Is this how you do it Jay? Is this enough snow?

Mum, for god sake ttake that stupid hat off, you are walking next to me and you are dragging down the style here....

So we had a nice but cold trot around the snow. Kenzo seems to be enjoying her walks. I can't wait when we can start letting her off the lead. It will be a while though as she first has to start listening to her name. Jay loved the snow as per usual. Charging around like a mad man, buldozering his hooter under the snow, rolling in it, just good clean cold fun!




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