Have Passport, Will Travel: Gastric Bypass... (or something like that...) Part 2

Friday, August 18, 2006

Gastric Bypass... (or something like that...) Part 2

Hi there!

Good news this morning. I had a mobil phone text from my mate Chaz. This is it completely:

"Op went well. Still all wired up 2 monitoring machines. Bit out of it still. Chaz."

So I guess he is on the way to getting thin now. The hard work must start now I suppose. From how he described it, it works by restricting the top opening of the stomach so hardly any food can get in. His stomach size will go from the size of a small country to the size of an orange. I guess he will have to eat small portions and often. I will ask him when he is out of the hospital. So good news all round.

Anyone want to pitch in a comment, feel free, the more the merrier!


Stadtler without Waldorf!


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