Have Passport, Will Travel: Breaking in the new arrival...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Breaking in the new arrival...

Hi there,

Right, this was the weekend that we received our new dog Blonde Boy Jay. We went to pick him up 09:00 on saturday morning. Jay seemed happy to see us and bounced all over the yard when we got to see him. After we completed the paperwork we loaded him in the car and took him home. We let him get used to the house and garden and he had a good fight with a new dog toy. He seems to be feeling quite at home here. Sofar, its monday morning, he has slept well, eaten well and really enjoyed his new walks. We can notice that he has been kennelled for quite a while, he tires easily. We will work on his stamina, we had the same problem with our previous greyhound. They aren't really long distance dogs... On sunday we took him out on the Sudbury meadows. That is a place where a lot of people walk their dogs so that is a good opportunity for him to meet other dogs. We have been keeping him muzzled as we don't know what the behaviour towards other dogs will be. Sofar so good... Jackie's sister brought her two dogs and besides being exited about meeting them Jay was very laidback and there was no growling or snarling at all. We do think that it will be quite a while before can think about letting him of the lead. He is very interested in whatever happens around him so I guess we need to build some trust and bonding between us before we an even try to let him off for the first time. So all in all it is going pretty well.

The pictures below show Jay knackered asleep after his sunday afternoon walk, him being brushed on the saturday morning and it shows him having a good tussle with one of his new toys.

So watch this space for more developments on the dog stories.




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