Have Passport, Will Travel: Kitchen floor down....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Kitchen floor down....

Blimey, progress!

Over the last weekend the missus and I have managed to get the tiled floor down. This was pretty impressive for us seeing that we have never tiled anything before in our lives. We got a good deal at one of the tile places in town. We got 15 square metres of tiles, all the adhesive, all the grouting, all the little square things that go in between the tiles, the tools, the buckets and a stirring thingy for my drill all for 175 quid.

As you can see we haven't done to badly here. It wasn't straightforward (like anything ever is in this bloody kitchen...) as the floor wasn't quite level. We were told that if there was more than 5 millimeter height difference anywhere on the floor it would have to be screeded. Well, where there used to be a wall there was a great big ridge sticking out. But with my enthousiastic approach I just slopped an extra thick layer of tile adhesive and hoppa! no more ridge...

The grouting was done by my missus and a spiffing marvellous job she did too. The only thing left now is to find some decent skirting boards to stick all around the room.

There is one small problem... The kitchen fitter who installed the kitchen and levelled the cabinets was supposed to leave me a gap underneath wide enough for my plinth underneath the cabs. Unfortunately the gap is NOT wide enough. I now need to cut off about a quarter of an inch of the plinth. That is not going to be easy. The boards are 10 feet long and to cut of such a narrow strip is going to be tricky... Ah well, if we can tile a whole floor with no experience we should be able to fit a plinth... bring it on!

So after all the hassle we have had over the last 5 months (Has it really been 5 months??? Just for a kitchen????) we are now nearly ready. When it is all done I am gonna get my brother in law, who is a executive chef, to come around and we will have an all mighty dinner party to forget all the shite that happened during the build...

Sofar thanks to: Keith the kitchen fitter, Steve and mates from Youngers the plumbers, Martin the plasterer, Mike Broom, the gas repair people, the insurance people, the loss adjusters, Homebase, Topps Tiles, Focus but most of all:

The one person who did not give up: my wife Jackie, who kept up the pressure, wrestled with insurance people, sorted deliveries, chased lacksadaisical delivery companies, pushed my lazy arse around so things got done, sorted out payments/cheques/orders, did a mean bit of grouting but most of all never got depressed when things exploded, burned, broke, leaked, got condemned, stolen, damaged and fitted upside down! Ta, luv.

More when it gets done,


Alex. Posted by Picasa


At 03 October, 2006 16:23, Blogger Impman said...

You've done a really good job there Alex, you could always take it up if you ever get fed up of travelling.


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