Have Passport, Will Travel: May 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

We are greyhounds toooo!!!!


Hmmmmm, we had some strange guests at the Greyhound Inn... Greyhounds? I don fink so!

Mind you, they were as food orientated as our two... They didn't get anything though. These dogs are american and they are on a diet.... Yep, I didn't believe it either. American? And on a diet? Whatever next....

Frances had to remind them of that fact quite a few times...

I am a greyhound, I am a greyhound! Look, I can sit on your knee too!!!

Good thing this one was on a diet, she weighed a ton!!!

Now were is that effing mouse gone????

Laying in the hammock was quite appreciated by the guests. It did make for a full hammock. 1 fat dutch man. One fat greyhound. One fat.... eh.... eh.... white thing....

I am a greyhound too!

And me too!

We all had a good evening out sitting in the garden in the, for once, nice evening weather. And Clare, stop worrying, we ain't feeding them treats and they are perfectly happy. Have fun in The Keys!



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another evening at the Greyhound Inn...


Another group of greyhound guests checked in on friday night. This time we had Maggie, Laura and Pete. The were there just for an evening of chat and amusement...

This is the adorable Maggie checking out the guest facilities in the lounge.

'Could do with hoovering in here mate!'

This is Laura enjoying the outdoor patio. The staff kindly brought out some blankets so she didn't have to lay on the hard floor...

The other guests congregated around the chimenea to burn a rainforest...

Frances, Jay and Pete having a good natter...

Laura testing the bowling green for evenness...

Who, me????

I can hear a pussycat....

Jackie, Jay, Pete and Frances enjoying the evening and drinks. (That's you, Frances!)

Laura all knackered indoors...

The socalled 'shy' Maggie hunting for dog treats...

So all in all another nice evening in Cornard...




Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Greyhound Hotel in Cornard...


Yesterday we had some more guests check into the Greyhound Hotel in Cornard. Two black greyhounds joined the two resident guests.

This is the new guests enjoying the facilities of the TV lounge. From left to right: Dillie, Flash, Izzy and Jay. The weather channel proved to be popular...

This is the staff trying to cope with getting 4 excited guests on leads and collars... The guests helped by jumping about like idiots to make it easier to get the collars on...

Thats three done, were is the 4th?

I don't do mornings!

In the evening the sleeping arrangements were sorted out amicably. i.e. The resident guests were chucked out of their beds so the guests had the best beds...

Jay and Dillie doing a spot of socialising on the sofa...

The guests debating the state of the government after the Expenses Debacle...

The guests just after checking in....

One of the guests wasn't impressed by the size of the TV lounge beds...

This morning all of them went home happy and refreshed, just like we like it at the Greyhound Hotel!




Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Hadleigh Show 2009 RGT stand...


As I said in the last post we went to the Hadleigh Show yesterday. We were helping to man the Retired Greyhound stall. The had a stall there to get people interested in rehoming ex-racing greyhounds. We already have two and the missus helps out on a regular basis. This time as I was home I got roped in too. I wasn't too enthousiastic to start of with until they told me that our stand was right next door t0 the beer tent... Wheyhey, if I can mix business and pleasure, no worries...

This was the most beautiful greyhound there. Pete's bitch Laura...

Oy oy mate, you're nicked! The fuzz came around as well. Not to nick the mutt but because the copper was interested in getting a greyhound. Fek me! A copper with a sense of humanity? Whatever next? Flying pigs?

I guess Pete didn't spot the sweeney behind him...

Sally extolling the virtues of greyhounds to a pair of ladies who lunch... On G & T's by the sound of them hahahahahaha!!!!

The stand looking nice and busy. We were quite lucky with the weather, even though it looked grey a few times it never actually rained...

Kevin fondling a dog. You can get done for that mate... The fuzz are about....

One of the dogs displaying how stressed and highly strung greyhounds are...

Look! A greyhound that can sit! Laura again displaying that she is the cleverest girl!

Pete, can you finish that cuppa? I wonna go out and stroll!

The missus and my two dogs, Izzy and Jay, behind her. The show was well attended and the RGT had 6 serious phonecalls after it from people interested in rehoming a grey... Nice one!
All in all we had a good time, the Aspells Cider was excellent and the weather held out!




Suffolk Punch horses at the Hadleigh Show 2009


Yesterday myself and the wife got roped in to help out on the RGT stand (Retired Greyhound Trust). It took place at the Hadleigh Show which is an agricultural show. You know the kind, horses, dogs, farm machinery, cows and a beer tent....

Suffolk has its own kind of heavy horse, The Suffolk Punch. They are beautiful, heavy, big arsed horses. They are an endangered species as there are not many places now where they breed them. And almost no-one uses them on the land anymore. Shame, as they are stunning huge horses... They picture above is of the horse judging. The horses were all beautifully prepared and looked great... ( Coming from a dutchman who has eaten horse that is saying a lot... hahahaha..)

This one was laughing its arse off after it had won!

Here it is being led around the show ring...

Being led away after the show...

Another one being trotted around...

Nbr 1 being judged...

The horse doing a spot of dancing... Hey, I don't know, I know naff all about horses but I did enjoy this part. They looked beautiful. If you get a chance to see them go for it. They might not be around for much longer if no-one steps in and saves the breed...




The Potted Garden...

Afternoon again...

This is the second entry of our little growing experiment...

The carrots are growing like the clappers. In the next few weeks we have to thin them out, there are far too many in the pots... Things you learn and all that...

As you can see on the left hand side of the picture in the blue tubs, the potatoes have come on nicely. We have banked the arth around them so that the potato shoots give us proper spuds, not green ones...

One of the new additions, we got some mint in. After a bad start where the bloody pigeons ate all the leaves off it and an addition of some chicken wire we are now off and eating the stuff, bloody gorgeous!!!

Another late addition, a tub with 4 varieties of chillies. I got habanero, thai, sweet red and scotch bonnet to burn my arse!

Here you can see the runaway winner sofar, the salad leaves. We have been eating them for two weeks now and we are just about keeping up with the growth rate hahahaha. There is nothing better than 5 minutes before dinner to go out to the patio, pick a bowl of leaves, wash ' em and eat them, you can't get fresher that that... Sofar it has been easy and very tasty, can't wait for the other stuff to mature. Don't even mind when it rains now, good growing weather hahahaha!!!


