Have Passport, Will Travel: Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Hi There!

Hi there!

I made it home from Egypt OK despite Air Puke, I mean Air France's, best efforts to derail my journey. On the friday, the last day at work, I got a bad case of Tutankhamens Revenge, also known as the squits. I was not very well through friday and saturday. Having to travel by rickety old clapped out cars, busses, planes, airport lounges, more busses, planes and taxis while all the time looking for the shitter is a lousy experience. I nearly missed my connecting flight in Paris because of the disorganised security checks at Gate 2F. These, I'm sorry but there is no other name for it, idiots from the French authorities must have been responsible for a load of travellers missing their flights. I have nothing against these checks, in fact with the amount that I travel, they keep me alive, but these tossers take being an arsehole to a whole new level. Never mind, they don't even deserve space on my Blog, sod them. (I hope they lose the worldcup final, Come on Italy!) I got home at 4 clock in the afternoon. My missus was there to welcome me and to congratulate me on my 39th birthday. She gave me the best birthday present ever! She had a coffee mug made with my name on it and a piccie of my mate Mickey who died 5 weeks ago, as people who read this Blog know. The missus found a piccie of him, laying in the garden eating a bone and she had it transferred to the mug. I am notoriously difficult to buy presents for, as what I need I have and what I don't have I don't need. But she did great there! The rest of the afternoon I spend gobbling down laperomide to stop the squits. By the evening it was at manageable levels so me and the missus went to our favourite Thai restaurant in Halstead 'The Thai Lights' and had a huge meal. It was fantastic and we had a great evening. Today I'm not doing much as I'm still feeling a bit fragile. Tomorrow the fun starts on the DIY front. The gas man is coming to lay the new mains and the kitchen fitter is gonna start assembling the kitchen. We'll see how it goes.... More later...



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