Have Passport, Will Travel: Jay settling in nicely...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Jay settling in nicely...

The new addition to our household is behaving himself reasonably. He hasn't killed any other dogs and seems to be enjoying living with us. In the house he is as affectionate as they come. He sometimes forgets he is a greyhound and pretends to be a lapdog. Unfortunatly for us he weighs quite a bit. He is far more affactionate then what Mickey ever was. Mick could take affection or leave it. The only thing that motivated him was chasing wildlife and food.

The other day I was out with Jay and shot this piccie of a stunning sunset over the river Stour. The light was just right and even with my crappy 'point and click' I got a decent image.

Meanwhile Jay was of the lead and enjoying himself. This field where I walk him is completely fenced in so he can't get away. I do put his muzzle on as you never know if anyone else walks their dog there. He still can't be trusted with little dogs.
I think it has been quite a while since he had the freedom to tear around a field. He enjoys it but he is not the fittest dog... He only does a lap or two and then pants for the next half hour. My previous dog could go for hours without trouble. Then again he had been used to that for years...
He does look handsome though when he poses. It looks a bit stupid with that muzzle but rather that, than having irate dogowners complaining that he has eaten their chihuahua....



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