Have Passport, Will Travel: Coolest ATM ever!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Coolest ATM ever!


Another update from the country of the huge portions. I made the mistake again last night at dinner to order a starter and a main course. What I had forgotten that here in the US ( By the way, I am now in South Carolina in a place called Santee on the edge of Lake Marion...) that for example when you order a salad for starter you don't get just a few green leaves and some olives... No, you get about 4 heads of lettuce, 5 or 6 whole onions, a few farms full or carrots etc etc... So after I had that I was having trouble eating my half cow (steak)... Never mind, at least they aren't stingy like the french...

The picture below was something I spotted when I was driving around Louisville trying to find a Best Buy store to buy a laptop charger for my brother in law. Next to the Wendy's there was a drive-in ATM. How lazy can ya git?

So for people that can't be bothered to get out of their car they have made an ATM you can drive up to.... Amazing? What ever next? Drive-in bars? Drive-in whorehouses?


Alex in South Carolina.

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