Have Passport, Will Travel: Dog Borstal for Jay...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dog Borstal for Jay...

Hi there,

Another thing I have to spread... The dog is going to behaviour school. We were getting fed up with his aggressive behaviour towards anything that is smaller than him. The missus thought that some obedience training might be the answer to his problems...

Last night was the first night of his 8 week training regime. He was the only one there that was muzzled. He has to be as he is as quick as a flash when he tries to grab other dogs...

The missus had to put him through all sorts of moves and tricks to get him to listen. Needless to say it did not really work. "Now get your dog to sit." Wrong, greyhounds can't sit, it is something to do with their hindlegs. "Now get your dog to listen to you." Wrong, Jay was busy eyeballing two very small poodles across the room to see if there was a way for him to get to 'em and to eat them... Everytime they asked him to do something he was 'facing' them with his arse, or eyeballing smaller dogs or just half asleep...

The missus seems convinced that this will work, I have my doubts. A, greyhounds are stupid, B, greyhounds are trained to chase and kill....

I'll keep you updated to the progress of the star pupil...

Take care,



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